City Life

We used to live in the city and the traffic didn’t trouble me too much.  For the last 11 years we’ve been living in a small village, there are no traffic lights, no major traffic jams and the people are relatively polite.

Recently I had to take a trip to the city, if I could put emojis here I would.

I was driving so slowly, so unsure and unfamiliar with their ways.  It felt like the people were speeding but it’s most probably the norm for them.  I’m not used to this, I’m out of practise.

This experience got me thinking of the Holy Spirit.

The churches we attended; people prayed aloud in tongues.  We prayed for people all the time, for demons to leave, for the sick to be healed.  We visited hospitals, we did home visits, we were friends, visiting in each other’s homes.  We worshipped together.  Cleaned people’s windows for free just to have the privilege to pray with them.

Holy Spirit please bring us back to you, I feel like I’ve become out of practise with your ways.  Train us up and send us out to do your will O Lord God.

Please read Colossians 1 in The Message.

21 August 2020


Oh Lord, there is so much more that you want from us. To be open. To be honest. To Weep. To Worship. To Pray. Time. It all takes time. Time in God’s word is important.

I can’t do this on my own. I need you Lord. Help me please.

There is so much wisdom in the bible, so many truths, blessings, encouragements, reminders, Life can be found there. Grace & Love. Hope. Joy. Peace. Patience, which is something we all needing right now.

Read. Feast. Devour & Enjoy God’s Word. May there be healing in His presence, for our hearts, our minds, our bodies & our souls.

But most important Love. Love for God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. Love for the word of God. Love for each other. Love for his plans and purposes for our lives.

22 July 2020 Lockdown Stage 3


Smouldering ash

Come Lord Jesus come

Come breath on us

Come blow the ash away of complacency

Come breath your life back into those coals

Life back into our relationships with you

Come Lord Jesus come

Reading Acts 2 in the Message, “Without warning there was a sound like a strong wind, gale force… It filled the whole building. Then, like a wildfire, the Holy Spirit spread…” That day about three thousand were saved.

Come Lord Jesus come

Thank You


16 April 2020

Holy Spirit

Sunday, 5 March 1995

When I got filled with The Holy Spirit, it was the most amazing feeling that I have never felt before.  I could feel myself been pushed back by a wonderful power inside my body.  The tears rolled down my face and dripped off my chin down onto my leg.  A friend of mine placed her hand on my back, in her twitching state and spoke words that I have never heard before.  She amazed me, everybody amazed me, Jesus always amazes me, God amazes me and The Holy Spirit is so amazing.

I knelt down on my knees and prayed a prayer the elder spoke.  My stomach would draw me in and push me out again.  I was filled up, full of love, care, kindness and tears.  My body lurched like I had never felt it lurch before.  I couldn’t stop this power my body had over my mind.  I couldn’t stop it and I didn’t want to stop it.  I heard the laughter, I heard the lions cries, I heard Your people been filled by The Holy Spirit.  Your people, my brothers and sisters smiled at me, all those beautiful smiles, so alive and shining, full of love for life.  I am so happy, everything is so beautiful, nobody can and is going to ruin this wonderful feeling that I can feel in and around my body.