The Key

The door is looming large

Overwhelming, intimidating.

A golden key is placed in my hand,

it reflects the sunlight

and appears to be glowing.

The key fits perfectly in the lock

but I can’t just put it in

and think that’s enough.

The door still won’t open.

I have to turn the key to unlock the door

and then the door can be opened.

We have all been given the Holy Spirit.

I have to make the time and be still.

Sit at Jesus’ feet.

Spend time in His word, in His presence.

Allow God to speak to us through the Holy Spirit,

Still small voice.

New life awaits us.

Transformed minds.

Renewed strength.

Godly wisdom.



Thank You Lord

For your presence,

You walk with us every day.

17 August 2020  Hebrews 10