Zulu Love Letter

A Zulu Love Letter is art in the form of beadwork. The elaborate bead designs are messages meant to symbolize love and affection. Historically, the colours used in the beadwork have different meanings. e.g. blue = faithfulness. pink = promise. white = spiritual love/purity.

I felt as we came together for a city celebration, that we are each a Zulu bead. Which seems small and insignificant but when we come together, we are an amazing work of art and love. Attracting people to God and sending people for God.

We are not small and insignificant, we are part of something so much bigger, so much more than we can imagine or comprehend. Church family, God’s family!! Each using what God has given us to give Him Glory!!

Please read 1 Corinthians 12 Concerning Spiritual Gifts and Unity and Diversity in the Body.

22 July 2019

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