When people are training their bodies for a sporting event, they have a special diet to help their bodies get all the nutrients and energy they need. We are God’s disciples and we are in training, our food is not physical food but spiritual food.
Our elders are sharing good spiritual food with us everyday on Facebook and on a Sunday. God’s word has been given to us freely thankfully in the country we living in. We have multiply bible versions in our homes, we have bibles on our phones and easily accessible on our computers.
Are we even receiving that meal that we need? Do we know it’s there? Freely available for those who have ears to listen. I challenge you all to come training with me, to eat the word daily and see the changes in your hearts and minds.
We ask God to come and do a mighty work in each one of us. We can’t carry on the way we have been. Let’s take this training seriously as we ought, our families lives depend on it, our friends souls, our work colleagues, our community. Come Lord Jesus come!
1 Timothy 4:6-15 24 December 2020