Oh Lord, there is so much more that you want from us. To be open. To be honest. To Weep. To Worship. To Pray. Time. It all takes time. Time in God’s word is important.
I can’t do this on my own. I need you Lord. Help me please.
There is so much wisdom in the bible, so many truths, blessings, encouragements, reminders, Life can be found there. Grace & Love. Hope. Joy. Peace. Patience, which is something we all needing right now.
Read. Feast. Devour & Enjoy God’s Word. May there be healing in His presence, for our hearts, our minds, our bodies & our souls.
But most important Love. Love for God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. Love for the word of God. Love for each other. Love for his plans and purposes for our lives.
22 July 2020 Lockdown Stage 3