Take away

I enjoy getting take away food, cause I don’t have to think about what to cook, shop for the cook if need be, allocate the time to cook and chop and prepare the meal. I don’t have to wash anything after but I do feel guilty as I know that take away food is not necessarily healthy food. I know we can’t live on take away food everyday for the rest of our lives.

This is how I feel regarding listening to other churches sermons. I’m not saying the food they offering is unhealthy but we don’t know them, we don’t have a relationship with them. We can’t just call them up and ask to chat or ask for prayer or help.

Our elders are preparing good wholesome food straight from the word of God. They live amongst us, they are following God and trying to be more like Jesus as we all should. As you fellowship with them before or after church, at the prayer meetings of home groups or socials, you hear the meal process and can pray into it for the person preaching and the people coming to eat.

Get connected to your local church today, we are Christ’s body and we need each other.

Psalm 111 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 12 January 2021

Preparing A Field

1.  Typically it needs ploughing (till, dig-up, mix, overturn the soil).

2.  Harrowing to break the soil clods into smaller mass and incorporate plant residue.

3.  Levelling the field.

Our lives need to be:

1.   Ploughed, mixed up, have we settled?  Let’s change things up.

2.  All the issues need to be broken down and we encourage one another.

3.  Then we make it all nice and flat and we ready to plant and prepare for a harvest.

And the same goes for our church, our team.

August 2020  Isaiah 32  Matthew 3:1-6


This past Sunday, our pastor spoke about Vision and we all know that scripture in Proverbs 29:18, NIV says, “Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.” and KJV says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”  This morning I had to reverse my car out the garage and my car window broke last week so my husband stuck plastic around the frame in preparation for the drive to get it fixed.  I was so nervous to reverse as I could not use my side mirror to check how close I was to the wall.  Even reversing out the gate I was hesitant though I knew I had plenty of space.  At the four way stop I was also very cautious as not quite sure if another car would come.  We need Vision, what does God want you to do?  We need Ambition and we’ve got a Mission, to do what God want you to do.