Broken Body

My arm has been paining me for a while, I could still do most things but I’d get sharp pains and have to readjust my arm while driving or working with the mouse on the computer. It also limited my exercise program. I decided to finally go to the doctor to try and see what was going on inside. I have a calcium deposit growing on my bone forming a sharp point, so when my muscles run up or down it hooks and with the muscles been inflamed it’s even worse. There is also a piece sitting in between my muscles. To cut a long story short I’m going for a small op but while waiting for that my arm has become so bad and so painful. Even writing this is awkward but I can’t stop, I feel I’ve got to share.

I’ve been asking God are you trying to tell me something during this time? I am not functioning properly. I have to slow down. I have to ask for help.

Is this your body, the church?

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 “Two are better than one…if either of them falls down, one can help the other up…A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

1 Corinthians 12:12-31 Unity and Diversity in the Body, please go and read it.

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